Damn those Finns
The new site is:
Damn those Finns
The new site is:
Subject Selection, Showmaster, Sholto Shares and More S's... 5107-1838-013
I pretty much have all my subjects set out for next year, just a few minor things I have to work out..
For those of you who care:
- Eng
- Legal (3+4)
- Revs (3+4 obv)
- Theatre Studies (hehe)
- Dunno What Else
Another outstanding event that happened today was that I fixed (Yes, "I") the Showmaster in D2.... Well technically it wasn't broken, we just couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work until I realized the minipaks weren't turned on.......
Now all the lights are set up for tomorrows drama performance which should be interesting.
(Also during my D1 class (ask me why I have D1+D2) today, we reenacted a performance of "Three Little Pigs" but with a Detroit-Style ganster twist...).
For those of you playing at home, You will be either pleased (or displeased depending on house) to find out that I have UTTERLY AND TOTALLY SCREWED SHOLTO 10's SHARES.
I missed the day 2 days ago, so I lost a fair bit of money, then yesterday got my shares confused and sold the wrong ones, then bought them back again today but they dropped like $3.00!!
Garr!!! Oh well, there's always next year.
That's it for the S's today, however I'll keep you posted if any others appear.
It's All Over. 5067-1600-012
For the year 12's in the Tech Crew, it was their final School Play, and it's a very scary thought that the next SP won't have them here. (I'm sure that they will come and help out though).
The night went really well, with everyone putting in a stellar performance (even dare I say it?? the actors.) The only glitch that occurred was the misinterpretation that happened during scene 12 of act two, where I said 7:4 and 6:9, which Hawley thought meant 7:4 + 4:9...
Well what happened was that the Cyc went absolutely mad, going Blue>*BRIGHT* Red>Blue.
Other than that, the night was a great success, and I'm certainly looking forward to "Fame".
[Below is a series of photos showing what happened with the City Colors].
Have a good weekend (Or what's left of it).

Completely bored. 5017-2140-011
As "Inheritance" is on tomorrow onwards, I thought I'd write tonight.
I really have no reason to write.. So I figured that I'd add a little survey thing so you can learn (probably very little) about me:)
1 - Favorite Color
2 - Worst Color
3 - Favorite Number
4 - Favorite Animal
5 - Least Favorite Animal
6 - Favorite Flower
7 - Favorite Food
8 - Worst Food
9 - Favorite Junk Food
Hungry Jack's (How would you guess??)
10 - Worst Junk Food
11 - Favorite Restaraunt
Chili's (A US restaurant)
12 - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
13 - Favorite Candy
14 - Favorite Alcoholic Drink
BECKS!!!!! (And SLATE) [I just realized I like the drinks which are in Capitals..]
15 - Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink
Coke Zero
16 - Worst Alcoholic Drink
17 - Worst NON Alcoholic Drink
Vanilla Coke
18 - Favorite Genre of Music
19 - Favorite Radio Station
105.1 TripleM + 693 3AW
20 - Favorite Band/Artist
Mighty Mighty BossToneS
21 - Worst Band/Artist
22 - Favorite Song
The Impression that I Get
23 - Worst Song
Toxic Toast
24 - Worst Genre
Emo (haha freaks)
25 - Favorite Book
The Tristan Betrayal
26 - Worst Book
Deadly Unna? and The Club (DAMN I HATE AFL)
27 - Favorite Type of Movie
28 - Worst Type of Movie
29 - Favorite Movie
The Bourne(s) + 007's + Collateral + Apocalypse Now + Heaps More
30 - Worst Movie Ever
31 - Favorite TV Show
32 - Worst TV Show
Queer Eye + Big Brother
33 - Favorite Season of the Year
34 - Worst Season
35 - Best Friend
36 - Worst Enemy
Kevin Rudd + Julia Gillard
37 - Favorite Day of the Week
Friday Nights
38 - Least Favorite Day of the Week
Mondays ("I don't like Mondays")
39 - Favorite Sport
Baseball + Ice Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!
40 - Sport You Hate
Arial Ping-Pong (aka AFL)
41 - One thing you cant get enough of
Baseball, Ice Hockey and Sex.
42 - One thing you hate more than anything
AFL (see above)