Damn those Finns
The new site is:
Damn those Finns
The new site is:
Subject Selection, Showmaster, Sholto Shares and More S's... 5107-1838-013
I pretty much have all my subjects set out for next year, just a few minor things I have to work out..
For those of you who care:
- Eng
- Legal (3+4)
- Revs (3+4 obv)
- Theatre Studies (hehe)
- Dunno What Else
Another outstanding event that happened today was that I fixed (Yes, "I") the Showmaster in D2.... Well technically it wasn't broken, we just couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work until I realized the minipaks weren't turned on.......
Now all the lights are set up for tomorrows drama performance which should be interesting.
(Also during my D1 class (ask me why I have D1+D2) today, we reenacted a performance of "Three Little Pigs" but with a Detroit-Style ganster twist...).
For those of you playing at home, You will be either pleased (or displeased depending on house) to find out that I have UTTERLY AND TOTALLY SCREWED SHOLTO 10's SHARES.
I missed the day 2 days ago, so I lost a fair bit of money, then yesterday got my shares confused and sold the wrong ones, then bought them back again today but they dropped like $3.00!!
Garr!!! Oh well, there's always next year.
That's it for the S's today, however I'll keep you posted if any others appear.
It's All Over. 5067-1600-012
For the year 12's in the Tech Crew, it was their final School Play, and it's a very scary thought that the next SP won't have them here. (I'm sure that they will come and help out though).
The night went really well, with everyone putting in a stellar performance (even dare I say it?? the actors.) The only glitch that occurred was the misinterpretation that happened during scene 12 of act two, where I said 7:4 and 6:9, which Hawley thought meant 7:4 + 4:9...
Well what happened was that the Cyc went absolutely mad, going Blue>*BRIGHT* Red>Blue.
Other than that, the night was a great success, and I'm certainly looking forward to "Fame".
[Below is a series of photos showing what happened with the City Colors].
Have a good weekend (Or what's left of it).

Completely bored. 5017-2140-011
As "Inheritance" is on tomorrow onwards, I thought I'd write tonight.
I really have no reason to write.. So I figured that I'd add a little survey thing so you can learn (probably very little) about me:)
1 - Favorite Color
2 - Worst Color
3 - Favorite Number
4 - Favorite Animal
5 - Least Favorite Animal
6 - Favorite Flower
7 - Favorite Food
8 - Worst Food
9 - Favorite Junk Food
Hungry Jack's (How would you guess??)
10 - Worst Junk Food
11 - Favorite Restaraunt
Chili's (A US restaurant)
12 - Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
13 - Favorite Candy
14 - Favorite Alcoholic Drink
BECKS!!!!! (And SLATE) [I just realized I like the drinks which are in Capitals..]
15 - Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink
Coke Zero
16 - Worst Alcoholic Drink
17 - Worst NON Alcoholic Drink
Vanilla Coke
18 - Favorite Genre of Music
19 - Favorite Radio Station
105.1 TripleM + 693 3AW
20 - Favorite Band/Artist
Mighty Mighty BossToneS
21 - Worst Band/Artist
22 - Favorite Song
The Impression that I Get
23 - Worst Song
Toxic Toast
24 - Worst Genre
Emo (haha freaks)
25 - Favorite Book
The Tristan Betrayal
26 - Worst Book
Deadly Unna? and The Club (DAMN I HATE AFL)
27 - Favorite Type of Movie
28 - Worst Type of Movie
29 - Favorite Movie
The Bourne(s) + 007's + Collateral + Apocalypse Now + Heaps More
30 - Worst Movie Ever
31 - Favorite TV Show
32 - Worst TV Show
Queer Eye + Big Brother
33 - Favorite Season of the Year
34 - Worst Season
35 - Best Friend
36 - Worst Enemy
Kevin Rudd + Julia Gillard
37 - Favorite Day of the Week
Friday Nights
38 - Least Favorite Day of the Week
Mondays ("I don't like Mondays")
39 - Favorite Sport
Baseball + Ice Hockey!!!!!!!!!!!
40 - Sport You Hate
Arial Ping-Pong (aka AFL)
41 - One thing you cant get enough of
Baseball, Ice Hockey and Sex.
42 - One thing you hate more than anything
AFL (see above)
Week.. End?? What is this you speak of?? 4297-2203-010
Anyway, on with it shall we?
"Inheritance", the most un-anticipated play in history has finally begun! After ironing out a few crinkles on night one (mainly the appearance of scene 5 before scene 4...) Night two went fairly well. Hawley (as mentioned in his blog) started purposely trying to catch the backstage set spinners in the light, and he managed to do so a few times!!
I really enjoyed my weekend, which consisted of me doing absolutely nothing on Saturday and going to the movies today with JD to see "Shooter". If you haven't seen it yet, see it, it's fantastic! It has 3 fantastic things: Snow (Lots of Snow), Guns (Lots of Guns) and...... Danny Glover (off Lethal Weapon).
It has a heap of sniping which is really good, because there hasn't been a half-decent sniping movie since... well... Sniper.
AND, to top it all off..... In the opening credits, it says "Based on the novel 'Point of Impact', written by STEPHEN HUNTER"!!!! Wow.
School's back tomorrow, and I've missed so much work which I have to catch up on, but no worries, it was worth it.
Talk to you soon,
13 And Counting... 4237-1912-009
I (along with the rest of the god-like tech crew) have been at school for 13 days straight, and it really knocks you about [Yeah yeah JD, I know I do hardly any physical work.... roof bitch:p].
Firstly, "Inheritance" is coming along at a steady pace, with all the lights rigged, focused and patched!!! The City Colors are a pain in the ass as whenever we want to crossfade, it fades through bright white which is odd considering some of the scenes are set at night...
Saturday we got a hell of a lot done as the actors (grr) took the day off, so we got to hang lights and other do other techiemagical things! We spent today from lunch onwards programming the board (well Luke programmed and we all commented on his lack of City-Color crossfading ability), so I missed out on Science and InterPol. Bugger.
On another note, I got a visit from Lynchy in Math today, as he wanted to know what sport I was down for in winter because it said Baseball, but it's only a summer sport. I don't think he realized THAT I'M CRIPPLED!!!!! He still insisted that I pick a sport, so I chose Soccer, but I'm thinking of changing to Hockey because (as Hawley pointed out) it's a lot like Ice Hockey.
Tomorrow we have a dedicated Tech rehearsal for the play, and I get my new phone!!!!!!!!!!
It's a 6288 (same as Matt Kennedy's, and the better version of James').
That seems to be it for post #9, but I'm sure I'll update you before Opening Night (this thursday btw).
Talk to you soon,
Sooo Random, but Sooo Great!! 4167-1737-008
The holidays ended yesterday, but I think it had less of an effect on me because of the rehearsals for "Inheritance".
Today was (quite obviously) the first day back at school, and it started quite well with History period 1 (we are starting WWII!!!!), and then a spare, which I spent sitting in Aikman..
But after recess, everything went downhill. I had English , which really sucked because we are studying a book about AFL, and I hate AFL.
Next I had double IT, which is good apart from the fact that Foyster keeps nagging me about work WHICH I HAVE ALREADY DONE, AND HANDED IN!!! Grrrr
Then I had Science after lunch which was okay, then I had INTERPOL which was pretty good too. So basically I had a really up and down type of day.
[I must warn you that I will not write about my school work every day, It's just my first day back so I thought it would be fitting]
On another note, for the last hour and a half, I've been watching the "Rocky Horror Picture Show". It was fantastic, but extremely weird (Cross-Dressing aliens in human form from the planet 'Transsexual'....hmmm..). I love the "Time Warp", it's definately one of the best songs from any musical ever.
Well, I'm off to have dinner,
I'll write again soon.
Rehearsals are moving along nicely.. 4147-2043-007
Well, what a day!
Because of the absence of the talking props, we were actually able to get some work done today, which mostly consisted of rigging lights with the Cougar (I love that thing) and patching them in. We basically got all of the lights in the roof, although there are 6 lights that either don't have a globe or powercord (or both).
In an amusing incident, Taranto unplugged the Cougar as they were moving it, so when Luke tried to get up to the roof it ran out of juice about half-way up. Needless to say, it was a while before he got to hang the lights he was carrying.
Tomorrow we should get the last of the lights online, and start the focusing while the rehearsals are going. I'm still really annoyed that we didn't get the day off today, but I'm glad that we got as much work done as we did, and it will no doubt lead to an easier run up to hell week.
Anyway, I'm heading off,
Talk to you tomorrow,
I Hate Actors. 4137-1751-006
They are the most useless pieces of crap on the planet.
They force us off the stage to "perform", stopping us from hanging the lights, and basically leaving us with nothing to do. They forget half their lines and are just a general pain in the ass.
AND.... because of their slowing us down, we DON'T get the day off tomorrow (which they do btw), and therefor have to spend the day doing all the stuff we haven't been able to over the last 3 days.
I will even quote you something from Hawley's blog:
"Unfortunately the tech crew has to go back again tomorrow as there is no other time for us to be doing lights. With those actors always hanging around it would be a shame if something was to fall on their heads."
I feel better now.
"Inheritance" Tech Rehearsals!!!! 4117-1833-005
It's been two days since I last wrote, and since then I have recovered from an 'x-treme' (woah did I just say that??) marathon, seen my foot for the first time in two weeks, and "Inheritance" rehearsals for tech (and 'core' actors) have begun!!
From the top..
After staying up for 30 hours, i slept for 30 of the next 35 hours (still tired btw); Today I had my bandage and fibreglass cast literally ripped off my leg, revealing my foot for the first time in two weeks (and it looks great btw, with a heap of very nice scars!!); and also today, the rehearsals for the school play began, even though they were fairly limited and the fact that I couldn't do much at all (in fact the only thing I did was tape the board).
Tomorrow should be better, as Luke said that James (the other crippled) and I could start patching and focusing the lights!!!! Yay!!
Anyway I'm off,
I'll write again tomorrow hopefully,
They Approach The Final Leg.. 4907-0615-004
We slightly modified the schedule, watching the first 3 in succession, but then opting for a Roger Moore ("Octopussy"), a Brosnan ("Tomorrow Never Dies"), and the new Daniel Craig blockbuster ("Casino Royale").
[If you're noticing any flaws or just poorly written sections, I apologize as I am totally wasted].
We have just about finished "CR" with the main fight scene at the end coming up in a few minutes (we just passed the torture scene, and the part where Le Chiffre is killed).
I am glad to officially say that we have survived the night (albeit a bit worse for wear), and looking forward to the next marathon, which is to be held in the next holidays.
Thanks for reading,
And The Marathon Begins!! 4807-1945-003
As previously mentioned, tonight is the inaugural Bond Marathon, which began about an hour ago. So far, we have already lost one member of the congregation, with Nathanial misunderstanding the date and time thinking that it was tomorrow night.
We're currently half-way through "Dr. No" (it obviously being the first Bond film), as we decided to watch them chronologically rather than when they were all set.
I'll probably update you after "From Russia With Love" or "Goldfinger" with our status and whether we are likely to survive the night.
See ya later,
I'm Shattered. 4807-1152-002
My College hockey team, Boston College, played Michigan State in the NCAA Final today. WE were up 1-0 originally, then Michigan scored to break even. The game looked set to go to overtime, but with 18 seconds left Michigan scored on a breakaway. After the faceoff we dragged our goalie (so we get an extra on-ice player) in an effort to force a goal, but Michigan buried us with another goal with 1.2 seconds left.
On a lighter note, I woke up at 1115 (which is fairly normal because of the drugs i'm on), in order to be ready for my baseball coach who's coming over for easter, but he hasn't arrived yet so I'm kinda pissed that I got up so early.
Anyway I'm off (because he just got here),
Talk to ya later,
Inagural Post! 4707-1738-001
On a happier note, tomorrow night is the inaugural Termly (if that's such a word) Bond (007) Marathon. We will endeavour to watch Dr No. > O.H.M.S.S. (For the non-007 maniacs out there, thats 6 straight out of a possible 21). It will run (hopefully) from 1900 > 0700.
It was to be held Monday night thru Tuesday morning, but the "Inheritance" rehearsals are scheduled Wednesday - Sunday and it wouldn't look too good if I rocked up half-dead.
As it stands, I'm currently (on the couch) watching "Mission Impossible" (the first one), and obv. blogging.
That's it for the Inaugural Post from me,
Hope to talk to you soon:)